Our Purpose
At Crossway Radio our mission is “Helping people grow into committed followers of Jesus Christ.” (See Colossians 1:28). We do this by offering high-quality teaching, featuring programs from Bible Teachers you can trust. You can view our broadcast schedule.
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Our History
Crossway Radio was founded by Jim Keavney, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Morris Hills and host of Changed by Love Radio. He often says he was taught and trained by Christian Radio when he was a truck driver. Over the years, his love for radio has never diminished.
Since we are located in the New York City Metro, finding an open FM frequency to start a new FM radio station was next to impossible. After a long and competitive application process, the FCC granted a license to broadcast on 107.9 FM in Dover, New Jersey and the station went on the air in January 2016. Today, Crossway Radio broadcasts to Western Hunterdon County in New Jersey and Eastern Northampton County in Pennsylvania on 89.1 FM.
Your Support Is Highly Valued
Crossway Radio was originally financed by a group of people who have a heart for the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. We continue to be supported by listeners like you, through your gifts, and by business underwriters. We can not do this without your support. Please click here to support Crossway Radio. Thank you for teaming with us!
"And the word of the Lord was being spread throughout all the region...." Acts 13:49